The IPAL Method and Training
The IPAL Method guides individuals while they work on themselves in depth in order to achieve enhanced psychological-spiritual-bodily well-being and prosperity. It is appropriate for both working on one’s own unresolved psychological issues, and for fostering one’s spiritual growth, which includes creating and maintaining the appropriate focus on practical deeds that are essential for achieving the mentioned goals. The latter are individually and realistically formed with the help of the group and its facilitator.
The IPAL Method is applied in a group setting where each participant works in a dyad with an IPAL tutor.
The method consists of the structured sequence of the following techniques:
– active imagination as a means to enter the inner, psychic landscape;
– dream analysis as an alternative to the above where indicated;
– psychoanalytic techniques that enable the trainee to connect the psychic material
with the everyday reality and its practical challenges;
– symbolic cosmology, with which a participant being trained in the method
creates meaning with respect to the material thus obtained,
with the help of the birth cosmological chart, or cosmogram, and
– psychological astrology, in order to explore the resulting links between
the cosmogram and the insights obtained.

Training in the IPAL Method comprises three levels
Basic level
This is the introductory group (or propaedeutics of the IPAL Method). There are 50 meetings whose programme follows the archetypal structure of symbolic cosmology and psychological astrology, which is then experienced practically with the IPAL Method. The basic level consists of 50 small-group meetings held in the form of weekly meetings plus two residential weekends. The programme takes 12 months to complete. In an online setting, this period may be extended. An IPAL Attestation of Completion is issued.
Diploma level
This consists of 55 seminars, regular meetings of a small group of the IPAL Method trainees, as well as an ongoing supervision group in which the dynamics of various cosmograms are presented and discussed. The course takes about 3 academic years to complete. An IPAL Certificate is issued upon completion of the course.
Academic level
This is made up of 12 exams, regular meetings of a small group of IPAL Certificate holders, along with work on the diploma thesis, its presentation and defence. Trainees must also work on themselves in-depth in a recognised form of psychotherapy for at least 50 sessions, as well as undertake some hours of practical work. Upon completion, an IPAL Diploma is issued, including the permission to use the letters “dipl. IPAL” after a graduate’s name.