In 30 years of its working with groups on various levels (introductory group, seminars, diploma training, summer schools, public lectures, etc), the IPAL tutors have developed and integrated a unique and specific method that was previously practiced through the four cornerstone techniques of working on oneself: psychoanalysis, active imagination, dream analysis, and symbolical cosmology (aka psychological astrology). The specific process of the IPAL Method starts off with a psychic image. This image is obtained either via active imagination practiced ritually in a group or alternatively, can be taken from a dream. The image then is decomposed and worked upon by means of ‘psychic cogito’, i.e. by psychoanalytic techniques. The second stage of the IPAL Method is searching for the correlates of the elements of the psychic image in one’s everyday life. Typically, what activities can be connected to the image? What are the practical problems that the trainee is currently dealing with in their practical, everyday life? In connecting the psychic cogito (the psychic image and its elements) with the bodily cogito (practical activities and practical problems of the everyday dimension of life) there as a rule arises some new understanding and awareness that can be used for working further, that is with ‘the intuitive cogito’. The intuitive cogito implies comprehension of archetypal tracks and their wisdom which can typically be found in mythology and art. Yet, in order to uncover the unique individual archetypal pattern inherent in each individual, the IPAL Method employs cosmograms or birth charts. By studying individual planetary and zodiacal archetypal patterns and the way that they connect to the spiritual dimension of an individual, the intuitive cogito can be activated. The resulting meaning of both the psychic image, as well as of the practical circumstances and issues of everyday life (bodily cogito) may now be considered in a new, meaningful pattern as it unfolds within the dynamics of man’s wholeness of her or his being. Finally, during the last stage of the IPAL Method, the trainee works, with the help of the group and the tutor, to see what new thinking perspectives and patterns may emerge as a result of this fourfold experiential working on oneself. Because of its inherent in-depth character, the IPAL Method is performed within an enclosed group. There, through the dyadic work of the trainee and the tutor, other trainees in the group may learn, but also actively participate in the process.

Introductory group of the IPAL Method takes about 55-60 group meetings with a tutor. In these, with active imagination and other techniques of the IPAL Method, a journey through the planetary and zodiacal houses, as well the planetary archetypes and their intertwining dynamics (cosmological aspects) is undertaken on a self-experiential basis, yet after the professional guidance of an IPAL tutor. After the completion of the introductory group programme, an examination may be taken by the trainees. In the examination, the trainees’ practical and theoretical knowledge of the IPAL Method via a case presentation of their own choice is demonstrated. The trainees are then ready to proceed to the diploma level.

Diploma training in the IPAL Method consists of 55 seminars, as well as 90 meetings of the small group. In a small group, the IPAL Method is continuously practiced. During the second part of each group meeting, trainees presentsž their own cases under supervision of the tutor. Upon completion of the programme, the trainees are awarded with the IPAL Certificate, with permission to use “Cert. IPAL” after their name. Candidates who wish to obtain the professional qualification in the IPAL Method, will have to further work through 12 examinations, personal analysis of their own choice (a minimum of 50 hours), as well as develop, present and defend their diploma thesis. Upon completion of all the requirements, the candidates are awarded the IPAL diploma, any may use the abbreviation “Dipl. IPAL” after their name.

Seminars are part of the diploma course, yet they are also open to the public. They consist of 90 minutes of theoretical presentation. In addition to this, there are 30 minutes of practical work with the IPAL Method with 2 volunteers from the group.

All IPAL tutors hold the IPAL diploma (the majority) or equivalent (exceptionally). The IPAL tutors are also included into their Continuing professional development programme, where they further work on their own self-development with the IPAL Method.

In order to facilitate the long-distance training scheme, working online in seminars, introductory and diploma groups was introduced. We are acutely aware however, of the pitfalls of a prolonged online, non-physical-presence when working on oneself and in training, so for the small groups working with the IPAL Method (both on the introductory and diploma levels) a minimum of 20% in physical presence is prescribed, i.e. required. Small groups’ meetings take place locally wherever most convenient for the trainees. Seminars, because of their wider and heterogenous location of the participants, remain in an online format.

As of 2023, the fees are 39,50€ for a seminar, and 35,00€ for a small group meeting. Fees are payable via SEPA transfer, PAYPAL or debit cards.